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Personal Committee Minutes 10/08/09
T o w n   o f   C h i l m a r k   P e r s o n n e l   B o a r d
M i n u t e s
Thursday October 8, 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present: Max McCreery (Chair), Jennie Greene, Stephen Lewenberg, Frank LoRusso
Also Present: Marina Lent (Administrative Assistant)
The meeting convened at 8:03am.
Minutes of September 24th were adopted as amended.
Human Resources Procedure Manual:  The Personnel Board reviewed and responded to amendments to the draft Procedure Manual proposed by Jack Collins.
The Board requested Marina Lent to secure final copies with all changes made since receipt of Jack Collins’ response, and to present the final draft Human Resources Bylaw and Procedure Manual to Board Members as quickly as possible.
Human Resources Bylaw and Procedure Manual Adoption Timeline:
Friday, Oct 30, 2009    8am
HR Board meets and reviews Stephen Lewenberg’s introduction piece and outline of major changes between old and new Bylaw

Friday, Oct 30, 2009  noon
Marina submits BOS packet to Tim with the final draft HR Bylaw, final draft HR Procedure Manual, and Steve’s overview piece.

Tuesday, Nov 3, 2009   7:30pm
BOS meeting receives final drafts

Thursday, Nov 5, 2009  8am
HR Board meets

Friday, Nov 6, 2009
Marina helps Tim prepare and send out a mailing of the documents to Department heads requesting comments by November 13.

Mon, Tues Nov 16, 17
Marina compiles comments received from Department Heads for review

Wednesday, Nov 18   8am
HR Board meets to review Department Head comments

Thursday Nov 19th
Marina and Tim prepare mailing to all staff of final drafts, requesting comments by Monday, November 30th

Tues-Weds December 1, 2
Marina and Tim receive and compile comments from staff

Thursday, Dec 3  8am
HR Board to review staff comments on final drafts

Thursday, Friday Dec 3 and 4
Tim prepare and submit advertisement for public hearing to the Times and Gazette

Th/Fri Dec 10th, 11th, 17th, and 18th advertisement for public hearing runs

Thursday, December 17th  8am
PUBLIC HEARING on Final Drafts

first week in January
The Warrant for Town Meeting is due.

The Board decided to make the final draft copy of the Bylaw/Procedure Manual available to Selectmen as soon as it is ready, informing them that the documents will be reviewed and commented upon by Department Heads and Staff in the coming weeks.

Stephen Lewenberg offered to draft an introduction document to accompany the drafts, which would outline the philosophy followed by the Board in undertaking the revision of the Bylaw and Procedures for the town, and would review the new Bylaw side-by-side with the old one, to demonstrate where changes may have occurred.  

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings:    The Board determined its schedule of upcoming meetings as follows:  Friday, October 30th, Thursday, November 5th, and Wednesday, November 18th, at 8am in Town Hall.  Starting in December, the Board will resume its regularly scheduled 1st and 3rd Thursday meetings at 8am at Town Hall.

Performance Evaluations  The Board asked Marina Lent to present an update to the Board at its next meeting, outlining all evaluations that have been done or are still due since Stephen Lewenberg and Tim Carroll reviewed the status of this year’s performance evaluations in August.  The Board will consider  how to “ramp up” the performance evaluation process in light of feedback and results of this past year’s evaluation.

The Board further noted that two evaluations will be due by the end of October 2009, and determined that, should they not have been completed by the time of the Board’s first meeting in November, the Department Head(s)/Supervisor(s) of the staff member will be invited to attend the next Personnel Board meeting.
The Board asked Marina Lent to ensure that the issue of Performance Evaluation is regularly inscribed on the Board’s first monthly meeting each month, so that the timely completion of performance evaluations can be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Jennie Greene felt it was important that the employee being reviewed be able to respond to the evaluation.  She will draft a mechanism to ensure this can happen for the Board to review at its next meeting.  Members generally agreed, but noted that employee response to an evaluation is not to be couched in terms of negotiation to change the substance of the evaluation.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30am.